• av: Marsha Eddy
  • mottagare: U.S. Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Beach Circuit Court and U.S. Judge

    "Lucky" - a beautifully-marbled black-and-white pit bull - thought he had a loving home with his newly-adopted owner. Instead - Authur Vieira cruelly MUZZLED THE DOG, BOUND HIS LEGSPOURED LIGHTER FLUID onto the helpless animal - and SET HIM AFIRE for an EXCRUCIATING DEATH! 

     Virginia Beach Prosecutor David Laird intends to ask for the maximum penalty for Lucky’s brutal and senseless killing -- but Vieira and his attorney APPEAR to be setting the stage for a GREATLY REDUCED SENTENCECOULD Lucky’s “admitted” killer walk away with a MERE slap on the wrist?!

     The shocking brutal death of this beloved family pet is so disturbing – on so many levels – that Vieira’s punishment MUST be HARSH and FITTING to the severity of the TORTURE and SUFFERING of the animal! The veterinarian who viewed Lucky's remains testified that animal was STILL ALIVE when set on fire. "I can tell you this animal suffered greatly," she stated. A seasoned animal-control officer called this “one of the worst cases” of animal brutality she’s seen – and questioned “what else” Vieira could be capable of doing!

     Lucky’s burnt remains were found last May when firefighters responded to what first appeared to be a brushfire, but pieces of muzzle and binding led investigators to delve deeper into the incident. They learned the gentle pit - previously named “Sheeba” - was a beloved pet of a family who could no longer keep him and who sought a new and loving owner for him on Craigslist. … SADLY for Sheeba – Vieira answered the ad! He morosely renamed the pet “Lucky.”

    Vieira claimed he thought the pet was dead before dousing him with lighter fluid and setting the fire – but both investigators and the veterinarian's necropsy PROVED that LUCKY WAS ALIVE when he was viscously set ablaze!

   Vieira pled “guilty” in Virginia Beach, Va. circuit-court this week to senselessly KILLING THE PET and faces sentencing by a judge January 13th. Sentencing could include up to 7 years’ imprisonment for the Class 6 Felony “torturing” of a companion animal and causing its death, misdemeanor “obstruction of justice” for providing false statements to investigators, and “littering” for disposing of the pet on private property.

     But Vieira only admitted culpability when faced with physical and irrefutable evidence! He initially denied any knowledge of the dog, but an I.D.-microchip led investigators to Lucky’s previous owner - who in turn led them to Vieira. VIEIRA'S FINGERPRINTS were also found on the accelerent container left near Lucky’s charred remains! 

     NOW Vieira attends counseling - in jail, assumably in keeping with Virginia's felony sentencing statutes that could compel a jury or judge to Impose mandatory anger management, or psychological/psychiatric counseling. Vieira, who has no previous arrests, also remains jailed without bond – which could fulfill the statue’s variable imprisonment guidelines! Additionally, Vieira was an active-duty seaman in the U.S. Navy, although discharged after his arrest.

     These combined factors could influence an emphatic judge to greatly MINIMALIZE VIEIRA' SENTENCE in a week’s time! Yet the crime itself DEMANDS that Viera receive the harshest possible sentence - and NOT ONLY as an example to others and for the future safety of other animals! ... Professionals cite such INHUMANE ACTS OF ANIMAL-BRUTALITY as a potential precurser to KILLING HUMAN BEINGS! 

     IF for no other reason – the sheer innocence and helplessness of Lucky himself requires that the Commonwealth of Virginia do the right thing - and impose the MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT, the greatest fines and other penalties, continued MANDATORY COUNSELING – and that Vieira be BANNED from “pet ownership” – for LIFE!

     PLEASE SIGN NOW - and SHARE! Lucky needs OUR voice!

(For related articles see: ; )

November 13, 2015

2nd Judicial Circuit of Virginia Beach, VA



    Enclosed is a link to an internet petition - signed by nearly 1,400 individuals just this week - who are following your case of the “torture-killing” of the pet, "Lucky," adopted through Craigslist. I only began this petition after Authur M. vieira pleaded "guilty" on November 2nd!

    This astonishing large number of signatures - garnered in an extremely short period of time - accurately depicts the level of empathy for this innocent companion pet, as well as the depth of distaste and anger people feel toward the merciless, calculated and depraved killing of this helpless animal! 

    "We" appeal for a harsh sentence,  that is appropriate to the sheer perversity of the crime against this domesticated animal!

   This was no spur-of-the-moment “angry impulse,” but was a decided act by Mr. Vieira, and was intended to cause the horrific suffering to this animal that it did! By bounding “Lucky” to prevent his escape, and by muzzling him - to prevent the animal from either protecting itself or from raising an alarm – Mr. Vieira proved he is quite capable of the most severe and terrifying savagery. And who knows if this is the first animal he has so brutalized?

    It is apparent that Mr. Vieira requires continued mental healthcare! Please - make this a part of his sentence! I’ve lightly researched Virginia Beach, Va., statutes of a Class 6 Felony, and his sentence may well include this, as well as: imprisonment, fines - and the stipulation that Vieira be banned from “pet ownership” – for LIFE!    His unimaginable act of heartless cruelty CANNOT be repeated!

      Myself - and the nearly 1,400 individuals who stand behind this petition -     URGE YOU to give Mr. Vieira the maximum possible sentence for the welfare of animals and people, alike!

    TOO OFTEN we’ve witnessed acts of animal-cruelty reduced to mere infractions, !yet it is our MORAL MANDATE to care for them! How we care for - and protect them – speaks volumes to our own civility and decency. WE MUST send the message that such cruelty to lesser creatures IS UNACCEPTABLE!

THANK YOU for your anticipated support!

Sincerely, Marsha R. B. Eddy, Animal Welfare/Rights Advocate ** To assure receipt, and to garner and express support, I have forwarded this petition to David W. Laird, case prosecutor, and provided a copy-link to Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr., as a courtesy. 

Uppdatera #48 år sedan
THANK YOU! "Lucky" found some justice in a Virginia Beach, Va. courtroom. Viera received the maximum penalty allowed by law for animal cruelty: 5 years imprisonment! Like us, the judge was angered by Viera's malicious, vicious act! For the full article, see: http://www.thedodo/cruelty-sentence-1553777607.html.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
FORGIVE ME - I'm new to this! "LUCKY's" PETITION LETTER (draft) is now available for YOU TO REVIEW, located at end of petition! I hope I've expressed HOW STRONGLY we feel against the killing of this PET! I will forward the finalized letter - with YOUR SIGNATURES - to the Virginia Beach (Va.,US) Circuit Court judge and prosecutor via email before Vieira's sentencing! (I'm also "courtesy-copying" the city's mayor!) I WILL notify you if the outcome! THANK YOU for your CONTINUED SUPPORT!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
I'm flabbergasted with your response LUCKY's petition, and in such a short time, too! THANK YOU! YOU CARE about the animals entrusted into our care! Perhaps we can even prevent more such cruel animal deaths if we KEEP SENDING the strong message: "THIS IS NOT 'OK!'" In a few days, I'll deliver our message - with your signatures - to the Virginia Beach, Va, Circuit Court judge and prosecutor. (I'll also cc the mayor!) Until then, let's see how many MORE SIGNATURES we can gather?
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
This is an edited petition in support of "Lucky" - the re-adopted and beloved family pet that was tortured and slaughtered, for no apparent reason! if you've not yet "signed and shared" - please do so now. Be warned, though - this IS graphic!
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